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196 lines (155 loc) · 7.72 KB

Excel template export - dynamic

File metadata and controls

196 lines (155 loc) · 7.72 KB

Excel template export - dynamic export


Magicodes.IE currently supports Excel template export using JObject, Dictionary and ExpandoObject for dynamic export, Please follow this tutorial for details.

The idea of this function, part of the implementation initially originated from arik ,Thanks againarik


  {{Company}}  //Cell rendering
  {{Table>>BookInfos|RowNo}} //Table rendering start syntax
  {{Remark|>>Table}}//Table rendering end syntax
  {{Image::ImageUrl?Width=50&Height=120&Alt=404}} //Image Rendering
  {{Image::ImageUrl?w=50&h=120&Alt=404}} //Image Rendering
  {{Image::ImageUrl?Alt=404}} //Image Rendering
  {{Formula::AVERAGE?params=G4:G6}}  //Formula Rendering
  {{Formula::SUM?params=G4:G6&G4}}   //Formula Rendering

If you are not familiar with Magicodes.IE's template export, please read the following tutorial.

[Excel template export-Export textbook order form ](9.Excel template export-Export textbook order

Next, we begin this tutorial.

1. Installation package Magicodes.IE.Excel

Install-Package Magicodes.IE.Excel

2. Prepare the Excel template file

For example, the following chart.


This file can be found in the test project with the file name【DynamicExportTpl.xlsx】。

3. Use JObject to complete dynamic export

The code is relatively simple and is shown below.

    string json = @"{
      'Company': '雪雁',
      'Address': '湖南长沙',
      'Contact': '雪雁',
      'Tel': '136xxx',
      'BookInfos': [
    var jobj = JObject.Parse(json);
    //Template Path
    var tplPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "TestFiles", "ExportTemplates",
    //Creating Excel Export Objects
    IExportFileByTemplate exporter = new ExcelExporter();
    //Export Path
    var filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), nameof(DynamicExportByTemplate_Test) + ".xlsx");
    if (File.Exists(filePath)) File.Delete(filePath);

    //Export from template
    await exporter.ExportByTemplate(filePath, jobj, tplPath);

The above code you can find in the unit test DynamicExportWithJObjectByTemplate_Test

It is worth noting that since the JObject ,So you need to press the package when using Newtonsoft.Json. But,Magicodes.IE.ExcelNot inherently dependent Newtonsoft.Json

Currently, the dynamic export of Excel templates is only supported through JObject objects, and more dynamic methods will be supported in the future.

After running, you can see the results as shown in the following figure.


11. Use Dictionary<string, object> to complete the dynamic export

The exported code is the same as above, except that the data structure uses Dictionary

var data = new Dictionary<string, object>()
    { "Company","雪雁" },
    { "Address", "湖南长沙" },
    { "Contact", "雪雁" },
    { "Tel", "136xxx" },
    { "BookInfos",new List<Dictionary<string,object>>()
            new Dictionary<string, object>()
                {"No","A1" },
                {"RowNo",1 },
                {"Name","Docker+Kubernetes应用开发与快速上云" },
                {"EditorInChief","李文强" },
                {"PublishingHouse","机械工业出版社" },
                {"Price",65 },
                {"PurchaseQuantity",50000 },
                {"Cover","" },
                {"Remark","买起" }
            new Dictionary<string, object>()
                {"No","A2" },
                {"RowNo",2 },
                {"Name","Docker+Kubernetes应用开发与快速上云" },
                {"EditorInChief","李文强" },
                {"PublishingHouse","机械工业出版社" },
                {"Price",65 },
                {"PurchaseQuantity",50000 },
                {"Cover","" },
                {"Remark","k8s真香" }
//Template Path
var tplPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "TestFiles", "ExportTemplates",
//Creating Excel Export Objects
IExportFileByTemplate exporter = new ExcelExporter();
//Export Path
var filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), nameof(DynamicExportWithDictionaryByTemplate_Test) + ".xlsx");
if (File.Exists(filePath)) File.Delete(filePath);

//Export from template
await exporter.ExportByTemplate(filePath, data, tplPath);

Specific Code DynamicExportWithDictionaryByTemplate_Test

5. Use ExpandoObject to complete dynamic export

As above, the code is shown below.

dynamic data = new ExpandoObject();
data.Company = "雪雁";
data.Address = "湖南长沙";
data.Contact = "雪雁";
data.Tel = "136xxx";
data.BookInfos = new List<ExpandoObject>() { };

dynamic book1 = new ExpandoObject();
book1.No = "A1";
book1.RowNo = 1;
book1.Name = "Docker+Kubernetes应用开发与快速上云";
book1.EditorInChief = "李文强";
book1.PublishingHouse = "机械工业出版社";
book1.Price = 65;
book1.PurchaseQuantity = 50000;
book1.Cover = "";
book1.Remark = "买买买";

dynamic book2 = new ExpandoObject();
book2.No = "A2";
book2.RowNo = 2;
book2.Name = "Docker+Kubernetes应用开发与快速上云";
book2.EditorInChief = "李文强";
book2.PublishingHouse = "机械工业出版社";
book2.Price = 65;
book2.PurchaseQuantity = 50000;
book2.Cover = "";
book2.Remark = "买买买";

//Template Path
var tplPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "TestFiles", "ExportTemplates",
//Creating Excel Export Objects
IExportFileByTemplate exporter = new ExcelExporter();
//Export Path
var filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), nameof(DynamicExportWithExpandoObjectByTemplate_Test) + ".xlsx");
if (File.Exists(filePath)) File.Delete(filePath);

//Export according to template
await exporter.ExportByTemplate(filePath, data, tplPath);

Specific code view DynamicExportWithExpandoObjectByTemplate_Test


This tutorial ends here, if you have questions, please submit more Issue.

Magicodes.IE:import and export universal libraries, support Dto import and export, template export, fancy export and dynamic export, support Excel, Csv, Word, Pdf and Html.

The relevant library will be updated all the time, there may be slight differences in functional experience and this tutorial, please refer to the relevant specific code, version logs, unit test examples shall prevail.